Abstract submission

You can Submit untill

15st of April 2022

Notification of Acceptance

in 1 week

*from Submission date

Early Bird Registration Deadline

8st of April 2022

Offline Poster

Present your Poster in HTW Berlin or University of Exeter


Online Poster

Real-time Twitter Poster Session integrated into the Online Summit Platform.


Elevator Pitch

Authors of the best Abstracts will have an opportunity to present an Oral Talk or Elevator Pitch on their Research.


All Presentations will be judged by recognised scientists and industry experts in your field and the Best Presentations will be awarded special prizes from the STEMM Global Scientific Society

Abstract Preparation Guideline

The abstract should be prepared in the following format:

1. Use a sheet of A4 size paper.
2. The preferrable length is not less than 200 words and not much than 1 page (a4).
3. The figures, images and graphs are allowed.
4. Leave the space of 2.5 cm or 1 inch from the left side and start the first line leaving the space of 2.5 cm or 1.0 inch on the upper side.
5. Use 12 points Times New Roman for the authors, affiliations, main text, references and smaller fonts may be used for figure captions. For the Title please use 14 points Times New Roman and bold face.
6. Title, author’s names, and affiliations should be centered.
7. Insert one blank line between the Title and the Authors
8. Underline the presenting author.
9. Insert one blank line between the corresponding author’s email and the main text.
10. Main text should be fully justified with a single spacing.
11. Start the first line of the main text (and the new paragraph) with +0.25 inch left margin.
12. Insert one blank line between main text and References.
13. The width of each line should not exceed 6.5 inch or 16.5 cm.
14. Leave the space of 2.5 cm or 1.0 inch at lease on the bottom of the text. Page number will be printed there.

References should be presented like:
[1] C.R. Surname, T.P. Surname Jr., Science XX (1991) 640

Download the Template

Please, load the abstract in .doc(x) format.