Title should be in large fonts (e.g. Arial >80 points) and attract viewers.

If possible, institute logos or affiliations should be minimised in size and put in the lower corner of the poster, or next to the title.


Get your viewer interested about the issue or question while using the absolute minimum of background information and definitions.

Put the objectives of your study at the end of your introduction.


Be short, but precise. State what study design you used. Mention statistical, laboratory and other methods that were used.


Briefly provide descriptive results.

Present data that more specifically addresses the hypothesis and refer to supporting charts or images.

Tables and graphs should stand on their own.

A minimal amount of text materials should supplement the graphic materials.

Conclusion and recommendations:

Comment on main results and discuss why they are conclusive and interesting.

Discuss potential biases. What are your recommendations?

Acknowledgments / further information:

Thank individuals for specific contributions to project. Mention who has provided funding.

Provide your e-mail address for further information.

Preferrable size of the Poster is A1 (horizontal orientation)

  • Artistry does not substitute for content. The relevance of the poster to field of AI should be apparent to viewers.
  • Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate your points.
  • Avoid using jargon, acronyms, or unusual abbreviations.
  • Text should be broken up by including graphics or photos. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
  • The poster (text and graphics) should be easily readable from a distance of about 2 metres. As a thumb rule, the text should be readable if the poster is printed out on an A4 sheet (e.g. Arial >24 points). Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial).
  • Use regions of empty space between poster elements to differentiate and accentuate these elements.
  • Graphic materials should be readable at a distance of 1.5-2.0 metres. The font size should be at least 1 cm high. Lines in illustrations should be larger than normal.
  • Use colours for emphasis, but do not overuse (2-3 colours are usually enough). Avoid using patterns or open bars in histograms.
  • Remove all non-essential information from graphs and tables (data curves not discussed by the poster; excess grid lines in tables).
  • Graphics and tables should have a complete title and legend.